About Valley Chevra Kadisha
What is a Chevra Kadisha?
The work of the chevra kadisha, the sacred society, includes shmirah and tahara, traditional Jewish communal responsibilities.
A chevra kadisha is always on call to carry out these sacred tasks. Its services are usually performed at the funeral home with k’vod hamet (respect for the dead), ensuring that the traditions of Jewish burial are carried out. Of greatest concern at all times is the sensitive care and dignity of the deceased.
Jewish tradition believes that the soul does not depart the body immediately after death. For this reason, it has become a custom that a shomer (guardian) stays with a body from death until burial, reciting prayers, often from the book of Psalms.
The deceased is washed and then ritually cleansed with water. The body is dressed in a simple burial shroud. Throughout the process we recite special blessings, prayers, and readings selected from the Torah, Prophets, and Song of Songs.
Contact & Details
What We Do
Assist bereaved families to bury their deceased according to Jewish tradition.
Provide an opportunity for all interested members of our community to perform the mitzvot of shmirah and tahara. We adhere to traditional Jewish practices and welcome anyone who wishes to join us.
Act as a resource for the Jewish community for education about the rituals and traditions related to dying, death, and funerals.

Who We Serve
We serve the greater Los Angeles Jewish communities, regardless of affiliation or level of observance. Contact us if you are:
A bereaved family member who desires this service for your loved one.
A synagogue or other institution interested in educating your community about this mitzvah.
A funeral home, nursing facility, or hospice serving the Jewish community.
A volunteer interested in joining us.
Someone who wants to learn more about Jewish chevra kadisha services.
Volunteer Synagogue Affiliations
(so far)
Academy for Jewish Religion
Burbank Temple Emanu El
Congregation Beth Shalom
Leo Baeck Temple
Temple Adat Ari El
Temple Adat Elohim
Temple Beth Am
Temple Beth Hillel
Temple Etz Chaim
Temple Ohr Ami
Temple Ramat Zion
Temple Sinai
Valley Beth Shalom
Valley Outreach Synagogue
No Affiliation